Science and Technology Blog
After successfully landing at the Edwards Air Force Base in California, the crew of the space shuttle Discovery prepared to return to Texas to meet with the NASA managers and their families.

Due to bad weather conditions in Florida, the space shuttle took a cross-country detour to California’s Mojave Desert.

The crew is expected to attend a welcome ceremony at the Ellington Field in Houston, Texas.

The space shuttle streaked through the Mojave Desert sky, gliding smoothly then halting successfully at the Edwards Air Force Base’s paved runway.

The Discovery returned from a 5.7 million-mile, 14-day mission to the International Space Station.

Upon landing, six of the crew members emerged from the shuttle to inspect the Discovery’s underside, which is customary.

Rick Sturckow, the flight commander, said that Discovery performed well in the mission.

“We're very happy to be back on land here in California. We wished we could have gone to Florida today ... but it just didn't work out with the weather”, Sturckow said.

One of the seven astronauts, Timothy Kopra, did not face the media after the landing because he was undergoing a series of tests, Sturckow added.

During the mission, the crew performed three space walks. They also resupplied the International Space Station with 18,000 pounds of equipment, including the $5 million treadmill named after Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert.

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