Science and Technology Blog
On Tuesday, Verizon Wireless expanded its service line with the introduction of the Samsung Rogue.

Though the Rogue doesn’t have all the features of a smartphone, it is reasonably priced and is capable of Internet browsing. The phone will be sold on a monthly plan.

The Rogue phone is fitted with a QWERTY keyboard on a slide-out panel, a high-speed EVDO Rev A data connectivity, and a quality Internet browser application. Instead of utilising the phone in a manner similar to the Android or Windows Mobile, Verizon designed the phone so that it could also be used as a data device. The Samsung Rogue is available for $99.99 for a service contract of two years. The Rogue is the pioneer of what is deemed as a new category in devices, which will have similar characteristics with the Rogue. Verizon aptly calls it, ‘Enhanced Multimedia Phones”.

The main feature of the phone is its browsing capabilities, and Verizon predicts that most of its consumers will use the phone because of this feature. The company charges $9.99 per month for browsing.

Though Rogue does not belong to the smartphone category, where devices like the iPhone and BlackBerry are the current leaders, it also comes with a monthly data plan. This scheme is new for Verizon, who usually charges customers with non-smartphones $1.99 per megabyte used.

According to mobile analysts, Verizon’s decision is a sign that the company seeks to maximise profits and revenues. Verizon has taken advantage of the consumers’ current interest in social networking, browsing through mobile data connectivity and downloading different applications.

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